Meet the Locals: A Mom’s Take

meet the locals


Today’s Meet the Locals Spotlight is Janel from A Mom’s Take.



Tell us more about your site, you, and your family.

A Mom’s Take was formed on April 1st, 2010. Yup, April Fools day! Though it wasn’t a joke or even on purpose, just the day I decided I was ready to finally jump in and start! Since then my site has grown tremendously and I now have 3 additional reviewer’s working with my on my website. My family has grown a lot, too, over the years running my website. I started with just 2 kids and we are now up to 4 – all little boys!


What is your favorite park?

Our favorite park is the McCormick-Stillman Railroad park. It’s on the other side of the valley from us but we love to go there every December for sure. We love visiting Santa in the train car and taking a ride on the train and carousel rides. Plus, you can’t beat the delicious and inexpensive scoops of ice cream!


What is your favorite vacation spot in Arizona?

Our favorite vacation spot in Arizona is Sedona! We love the stunning beauty of Sedona and enjoy hiking the trails and the amazing sunsets there.


What is your favorite type of food?



You have a lot of giveaways on your site?

I love being able to run the Giveaways! I absolutely love being able to offer awesome prizes to my readers and hearing how excited they get when they win. I love it when my readers are able to share with me that their prize arrived and how much their family has been able to enjoy what they won. My favorite prize I’ve been able to giveaway is a Britax B-Ready stroller!


Since giveaways are only open for a limited time, I also love sharing my recipe section. It’s always hard to figure out what to cook each evening so I know I personally love finding new recipes that are mom tested and easy to make.



What other kinds of posts do you do a lot of?  What are your favorites?

I do LOTS of reviews, many which are paired with a giveaway prize, too. I love being able to show what cool new tech, toys, beauty, etc products are available. I also feature local Arizona events which are always SO much fun to attend. Like our trip to SeaLife Aquarium.  And my favorite post is our Disneyland Trip.


What events in AZ do you never miss?

Christmas Lights at the LDS Temple in Mesa, Arizona. We go EVERY year!


What is your favorite season and why?

Fall!! I love the welcome relief from the heat and the start of about 6 months of nearly perfect weather!!


ASU or UofA?

Neither! 😉 I didn’t grow up here so I’m not sold on either. If I were to pick, I’d go ASU, though.


Stay connected with Janel via FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest, and of course on her website!

About Wendy

Wendy is married to her high school sweetheart, is a mom to 2 children, and lives in Mesa! She shares her family friendly recipes at Around My Family Table. Live threw her a curve ball after a life threatening dairy allergy and wheat allergy emerged in 2012, so now many of her recipes are gluten and dairy free. When she's not cooking find her on Pinterestor Instagram!

Read more about Wendy here!


  1. Thanks for featuring me!